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CLICK HERE: Important Dates Calendars

For your convenience, we're put together “Important Dates” Calendars—your go-to resources for staying informed about key deadlines and timelines related to on-campus living. Whether it’s application dates, move-in schedules, or other critical housing operations, these calendars are designed to keep you organized and prepared. Please note, however, that these calendars are not exhaustive.

Click here to visit the Important Dates Calendar webpage now!


*For a more comprehensive overview of university-wide events and academic deadlines, we encourage you to visit the official calendars from the University Registrar.

Carolina Housing

Medical and Special Requests

Students with chronic or severe medical conditions can request individual housing accommodations. These accommodations are determined on a case-by-case basis and are limited by room space availability. 

Students requiring housing accommodations in relation to a disability, medical condition, or psychological need should complete the Self-Identification form through the Accessibility Resources & Services (ARS)

All requests are reviewed individually by the Accommodations and Modifications Committee, an interdisciplinary team of campus partners, to determine the accommodations that best meet the needs of the student. University Housing takes these concerns very seriously, and confidentiality will be maintained. A submitted request typically takes 1-2 weeks for review, and additional documentation/information may be requested. 

The information you provide will only be shared with other relevant staff in a discreet and confidential manner, as required by law. This information will have no bearing on your general eligibility for housing. Also, please note that submitting the Self-Identification Form is not a guarantee that you will receive the requested accommodations.

Students with disabilities or medical conditions are assigned roommates in the same manner as other housing applicants unless the need for a single room is identified as a reasonable accommodation, or medical necessity. If the need for a single room is identified, they will be assigned based on the availability when their application is processed.

Space availability may be limited for students who petition for housing accommodations. It is recommended that students submit their request as soon as possible to ensure a proper room accommodation.

We are able to facilitate a range of accommodations including, but not limited to:

Residents Who are Hard of Hearing or Deaf

A number of rooms in the residence halls and apartments have strobe light fire and smoke detector alarms. Residence hall corridor bathrooms adjacent to these rooms have visual fire alarms. 

Residents With Mobility Limitations

A number of rooms and bathrooms in the residence halls and apartments accommodate residents using wheelchairs, power chairs, scooters and other mobility devices.

Residents With Personal Care Needs

University Housing works with students who require personal care attendants. It is solely the student's responsibility to identify and employ a personal care attendant. Proper planning and early notification are crucial to successful on-campus living. It is important that you make note of your intended use of a personal care attendant on the Self-Identification Form.

To determine if a personal care attendant will be needed, the student will need to assess their skills and abilities with their medical provider, vocational rehabilitation counselor or case manager. Personal care attendants assist individuals in completing daily living tasks such as grooming, personal hygiene, preparing meals, monitoring medication, maintenance of personal living environment, lifting, turning positioning and transporting/escorting. The cost and maintenance of services for a personal care attendant are the responsibility of the student. Verification of a background check must be provided either by an agency or by the student employing the personal care attendant. Where this is not possible, please contact Housing at [email protected]. UNC Chapel Hill does not endorse specific health care providers.

Residents With a Visual Impairment or Who are Blind

In order to determine the optimal campus location that can best accommodate your needs, please talk with us before you submit your Housing application. We can be reached via email at [email protected] or by calling 919-962-5401.

Residents With a Temporary Medical Condition

Students with a temporary medical condition that affects their mobility can contact the Housing Assignment Office to discuss room reassignment options by calling (919) 962-5401. 

Residents Who Suffer From Airborne Allergens

All of the residence halls on campus are equipped with air conditioning. 

Residents Who Have Mental Health Difficulties

Carolina Housing will review any medical request to determine a housing accommodation that meets the specific resident's needs.

Residents Seeking Approval for an Emotional Support Animal

Please view the Animals on Campus policy and contact Accessibility Resources & Service at [email protected]

Residents Who Have a Service Animal

Service animals are permitted in University Housing as compliant with state and federal laws regarding accessibility. You are responsible for your animal's care and cleanliness. Any damages beyond normal wear and tear caused to the room by your service animal will be the resident's responsibility. 

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