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CLICK HERE: Important Dates Calendars

For your convenience, we're put together “Important Dates” Calendars—your go-to resources for staying informed about key deadlines and timelines related to on-campus living. Whether it’s application dates, move-in schedules, or other critical housing operations, these calendars are designed to keep you organized and prepared. Please note, however, that these calendars are not exhaustive.

Click here to visit the Important Dates Calendar webpage now!


*For a more comprehensive overview of university-wide events and academic deadlines, we encourage you to visit the official calendars from the University Registrar.

Carolina Housing

Campus Living Tips

Daily Cleaning Tasks

Clear Off Surfaces

  • This means moving gum wrappers, food wrappers, yesterday's notes, your hair ties, etc. off the top of your dresser and desk.
  • Put away all those tiny things you don't think about leaving out - it builds up quickly and can be avoided with a two-minute sweep of all the surfaces in your room.

Disinfect Commonly Touched Surfaces

  • Clorox and Lysol wipes. Grab a wipe and rub down the most touched surfaces in your room to kill germs and keep everything clean.
  • Some commonly touched surfaces would be the TV remote, light switch, doorknob and drawers
    • Doorknobs and Handles
    • Desk and Chairs
    • Counters
    • Light Switches
    • Shared remote controls
    • Phones
    • Computers
    • Keyboards and mice
  • Note: Computer keyboards are difficult to clean. Shared computers should have signs posted instructing proper hand hygiene before and after using them to minimize disease transmission. To facilitate cleaning, consider using covers that protect the keys but enable use of the keys.
  • It is not necessary to routinely apply disinfectants to surfaces that are not high-touch or high-risk (e.g., floors, bookcases, tops of filing cabinets). Soft surfaces such as carpets, rugs, and drapes can be cleaned using soap and water or a cleaner appropriate for the material.

Make your bed!

Your bed takes up most of your space and, if its made nicely, it will make your room cleaner.

Weekly Cleaning Tasks

These things can be done on a weekly (or bi-weekly) basis to keep your dorm feeling extra clean! Don't forget to pick up the clutter to make your space less stressful!

Vacuum your rug, sweep your floors. 

To remove crumbs, hair and dust.

Bonus: To keep your floors and carpet cleaner, try to take off your shoes while walking around your room.

Organize your papers.

At the end of each week put everything away or toss it out in order to avoid the desk from becoming blanketed in paper.

Take out the trash. 

This is especially important if you have food in your garbage. Sometimes this must be done more than once a week - it all depends on how much trash you manage to have during the week.

Bonus: Spray your trash can with air freshener in order to keep your room smelling fresh.

Do laundry.

Doing laundry on a weekly basis ensures that you'll always have clothes to wear and that your laundry won't become a daunting pile of smelly clothes.

Monthly Cleaning Tasks

These are tasks that should be done monthly or whenever you see fit!

Clean mirrors and windows. 

Use Windex and scrub down the mirrors and windows in your room to remove dirt and dust.

Clean out the mini-fridge, stove and microwave

Toss anything that's expired, or you know will not be eaten. take out the contents and scrub down the fridge with a Clorox wipe - clean up those spills that have probably been in the fridge for weeks.

Go through your food

  • Toss anything that's expired or stale and be sure to re-organize everything.
  • If you have bins or totes under your beds with your snacks, this can easily become a mess when you are looking for something specific.
  • Don't let anything get moldy or expired and if it is, toss it!

Wash your sheets and bedding

Just like your clothes, your sheets and bedding need washed regularly! Plus, it is always the best time to take a nap right after they get out of the dryer. 

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