CLICK HERE: Important Dates Calendars
For your convenience, we're put together “Important Dates” Calendars—your go-to resources for staying informed about key deadlines and timelines related to on-campus living. Whether it’s application dates, move-in schedules, or other critical housing operations, these calendars are designed to keep you organized and prepared. Please note, however, that these calendars are not exhaustive.
Click here to visit the Important Dates Calendar webpage now!
*For a more comprehensive overview of university-wide events and academic deadlines, we encourage you to visit the official calendars from the University Registrar.
Housing Reassignment Requests are accepted throughout the year during specific times prior to students moving onto campus and after students have checked into their space. Housing reassignments are honored based on availability. Please see the FAQ below for more details.
There are two types of room changes within Carolina Housing and each serves a different purpose.
*Carolina Housing reserves the right to deny a room swap request. Reasons a room swap may be denied may include but are not limited to: requests between spaces that are not comparable to one another, a student is swapping rooms with the intention to cancel the contract, or students are attempting to pass their space along to someone else.
*Please note that the larger the group, the harder it is for our office to process your room reassignment request because we rarely see multiple rooms open up that are located near one another or within the same suite.
When choosing your classification, please choose the option that applies to what you will be during the term for which you have requested a reassignment. Please note that this is different than your academic classification.
When submitting a room swap request, we just need one of the residents swapping rooms to send us an email from the UNC email address to [email protected] using the following template below. Please be sure to copy the resident you are swapping rooms with to serve as confirmation they agree to swap rooms. Residents can begin sending these requests now and we will process them within 2 business days.
I, John Doe of Hinton James 1002B1, agree to swap rooms with Ram Ramses of Craige 605A for the (insert year) upcoming Academic Year.
John Doe
Room reassignment requests can be submitted online - click the button below.
Please keep the following items in mind when submitting a reassignment request:
You can list multiple residence halls and room types on your request, but you cannot rank your preferences. Only list residence halls and room types that you would be happy to be reassigned to on your request.
Visit the Room Reassignment Portal to make your request:
We will process reassignment requests in the order in which they are received, so priority is done on a first-come, first-served basis. Once your request is submitted, you can still make changes to your preferences and it will not impact your priority.
We cannot guarantee that we will be able to honor your reassignment request and, therefore, your request will remain active until we able to get you reassigned or you choose to cancel your reassignment request. We encourage residents to give us as many options as possible on their reassignment requests to improve their chances of getting reassigned.
All reassignments processed before the halls open up are automatic and residents will not have the option to accept or decline the room reassignment. For reassignments made after move-in, we will offer the reassignment and the resident will have 24 hours to accept or decline the reassignment offer.