By: Cierra Tadda
Move-in is almost here! At Carolina Housing we have been hard at work providing you with the resources you need to have a successful move-in day. Below is a compiled list full of helpful tips, an overview of the move-in process, what a service desk is, and more!
Fall Move-In Guide
This is where you want to start! Dive into our comprehensive, 16-page guide filled with all the essential information you need to be prepared for a successful move-in.
Orientation Resource Webpage
Did you attend one of our summer orientation sessions and want to know where to find links to all the resources we discussed? You're in luck - click the link below!
Orientation Presentation and Resources
Rameses Move-In
Let Rameses show you how each step of the move-in process unfolds!
Carolina Housing's Summer Education Series
Meet the many faces of Carolina Housing's professional staff in educational videos and articles designed to teach you the basics of on-campus life. Topics include: student employment opportunities, how to send and receive packages, essential tips pertaining to room assignments, residential education & programming, and how to get setup with technology and networking.

Episode 1: Student Employment Opportunities
Episode 2: UNC Package Centers
Episode 3: Residential Education & Programming
Episode 4: Housing Assignments
Understanding the Role of Service Desks at Carolina Housing
What is a service desk? What resources do they provide? Great questions! Watch the video below for the answers.
Read the full article here.
Get Connected with Carolina Housing!
Make sure you get connected with Carolina Housing across our many digital platforms, such as social media, our website, newsletter, podcast, and so much more. Watch the video below to learn more.
Read the full article here.
Package Center Hours: Move-In
Take note of the UNC Package Center hours for Move-In Week.

Essential Tips from Carolina Housing Staff
Intrigued by our Summer Education Series, but don't have the time to commit to watching it all right now? We've got you covered in the condensed montage video below.
Read the full article here.
Dining Hall Hours:
Check out what dining halls are open and their hours here.
RHA: Welcome to Campus Care Package
Sending your student off to college can be a whirlwind of emotions, which is why RHA has partnered with SwakU to offer “Welcome to Campus” care packages and plans for support throughout the academic year! The Residence Hall Association at UNC Chapel Hill sponsors this program to help parents, friends, and family send thoughtful and nourishing packages to students. The Welcome to Campus package, delivered 10 to 14 days after classes start, includes classic snacks to fuel your student through the first few weeks. SwakU also offers packages throughout the semester for Fall and Spring Finals, Halloween, Valentine’s Day, and more.
Place your order here before August 16th!

We hope that all these resources answer any questions you have and help relieve any move-in day jitters! As always, feel free to stop by our office, give us a call, or send us an email if you have any questions. We can’t wait to see you soon! Welcome to Carolina Housing!