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CLICK HERE: Important Dates Calendars

For your convenience, we're put together “Important Dates” Calendars—your go-to resources for staying informed about key deadlines and timelines related to on-campus living. Whether it’s application dates, move-in schedules, or other critical housing operations, these calendars are designed to keep you organized and prepared. Please note, however, that these calendars are not exhaustive.

Click here to visit the Important Dates Calendar webpage now!


*For a more comprehensive overview of university-wide events and academic deadlines, we encourage you to visit the official calendars from the University Registrar.

Carolina Housing

Carolina Housing: Week-In-Review

November 21, 2023 |

By Sophia Raspanti

The past few weeks have been busy at Carolina Housing! From Housing Selection to exciting giveaways and lottery picks, there’s a lot of important information that students should be aware of. Here’s a recap:

Voice Into Action

Put your voice into action with the Voice Into Action Survey this week! The Voice Into Action campaign aims to create positive changes throughout on-campus living spaces driven by student input. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete and can be found in your inbox and will close on November 27th at midnight. More information can be found here.

Students that complete the survey will be automatically entered to win one of three lottery picks as well as other fantastic prizes!

RA Info Sessions

Do you enjoy connecting with your peers and making a positive impact at Carolina? Becoming a Resident Advisor is a great way to work amongst your fellow Tar Heels, create safe and inclusive spaces for students, and work with a compassionate, driven, and awesome team!

If you’re considering becoming a student staff member with Carolina Housing, consider attending a Resident Advisor Info Session! To view the complete list of positions, check out this article.

Housing Selection       

The Priority Application for 2024-2025 Housing is OPEN! The application closes on November 26th, so make sure to get your application submitted by the end of Thanksgiving break.

Students that apply by the priority deadline are automatically entered to win a host of amazing prizes including a private party at The Carolina Gaming Arena, BeAM, or Kenan Stadium!

Additionally, tabling events for lottery picks have recently concluded. Congratulations to our lucky winners! For students still hoping to win a “Golden Ticket”, consider submitting a photo or video to our “Show Off Your Room” and “Resident Reels” competitions. The winner will receive bragging rights…and a lottery pick!

To learn more about Housing Selection, lottery picks, and more, click here.

Pantry Bowl

Team up to fight food insecurity!

This year, as part of the annual Pantry Bowl, NC State and UNC Chapel Hill are facing off to reduce food insecurity on campus. During the week of November 19-26, the two universities will go head-to-head to see who can receive the most gifts to their respective food pantries. Last year, the Pantry Bowl raised $148,099.93 from over 2,235 monetary gifts, which was more than $60,000 than the competition’s first year!

It doesn’t stop there!

If the total number of monetary gifts exceeds UNC’s total from last year (1,107), Carolina Cupboard will receive $11,500 from Gary and Kathy Armstrong, Allison Friedman, and other generous Carolina supporters.  

To learn more about the Pantry Bowl and give a donation, click here.

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