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CLICK HERE: Important Dates Calendars

For your convenience, we're put together “Important Dates” Calendars—your go-to resources for staying informed about key deadlines and timelines related to on-campus living. Whether it’s application dates, move-in schedules, or other critical housing operations, these calendars are designed to keep you organized and prepared. Please note, however, that these calendars are not exhaustive.

Click here to visit the Important Dates Calendar webpage now!


*For a more comprehensive overview of university-wide events and academic deadlines, we encourage you to visit the official calendars from the University Registrar.

Carolina Housing

Live Info Session: Living on Campus in 2023-2024

September 22, 2022 |

Join our Executive Director, Allan Blattner, along with our Assignments Team, and a few of our resident Tar Heels as they discuss why living on campus offers the True Tar Heel Experience at Carolina! We'll share with you all the details of the upcoming Housing Selection Priority Application Process and answer any questions you may have! Remember, the 2023-2024 Housing Selection Priority Application opens Wed. Oct. 12 - Wed. Nov. 9. See below for the details to join the Zoom meeting:

Zoom meeting details:

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