Written by: Darshana Saravanan, 2020 – 2021 Marketing Board || Residence Hall Association
After spending the entire summer planning, shopping and packing, you are finally ready for Move-In Week at Carolina! While your Move-In day might be full of excitement and stress, you will want to remember the unforgettable moment forever! You don’t want to miss out on capturing these top 5 photo ops on your Move-In Day. Of course, make sure to maintain proper social distancing and safety precautions while doing so!
Room Transformations: Before & After
Room transformations are one of the most exciting parts about moving in and settling into your new home! Take a picture before unpacking and then one after you are done moving in to see how you have transformed an empty space into one that is all yours.

Sitting in Your Car About to Leave for Campus!
You don’t think about how much you will miss home. This picture always brings back those exciting feelings of what it was like to start the next chapter of your life. It also documents your awesome Tetris skills and that is a true accomplishment to remember!

Meeting Your Roommate and/or Suitemates
Meeting the people you are going to live with for the following school year is an exciting and nerve wracking experience all in one! Whether these are your long-time friends, or complete strangers, taking a picture together to commemorate living together is a wonderful memory to have.

Picture in Front of Your Residence Hall
Your very first Residence Hall will be one you will never forget. Make sure to get a picture in front of your new home; a place where you will meet amazing people and make beautiful memories with your new Tar Heel fam!

Family picture
And last, but not least, don’t forget to get that family picture as you finish up Move-In Day!

These photos ops will help you remember your Move-In day and can be great decorations for your room! Be sure to check out the Move-In Guide for more details about Move-In. We can’t wait to see you on campus!