By Sophia Raspanti
Looking for a summer job while staying close to campus? Carolina Housing’s summer staff positions are now open for applications.
Community Resident Advisor - Community Resident Advisors (CRA) work to create a welcoming on-campus housing environment that promotes personal development, citizenship, involvement, and leadership through the practice of Community Immersion. CRAs serve as a resource for students in their community as well as a role model at UNC Chapel Hill. CRAs serve populations that are primarily graduate students and/or families and may be asked to hold a collateral assignment. CRAs are supervised by a Community Director (CD). Read the LOA
Summer Marketing Intern (Resident Ambassador) - The Summer Resident Ambassador (student intern) assists Carolina Housing Marketing by setting up tables and greeting families attending our events. The sessions take place twice a week over the summer and require about 2 to 3 hours of time. This opportunity is great for students who are passionate about living on campus and want to share their enthusiasm and personal experience with families new to Carolina!