By: Cierra Tadda
With move-in approaching fast, students have a lot on their minds and a lot to pack! RHA has partnered with a variety of vendors to help students and parents save some energy on move-in day. These programs give students the opportunity to rent or buy items like the MicroFridge, bedding, rugs, sheets, and much more! If students or parents rent or buy from the vendors listed below, the items will be delivered directly to campus.
Micro Fridge Rental Program:
MicroFridge with Safe Plug is an amazing opportunity for students to have a 3-in-1 fridge, freezer, and microwave oven delivered to their room before moving in. The MicroFridge is designed for the collegiate environment and is approved by UNC.

SwakU Room Essentials Program
Students also have the option to purchase bundles from UNC’s College Room Shop. This is a great option for students who want to make moving in easy and stress-free. There are a variety of room bundles to choose from, along with the option to purchase single items like pillows or rugs. SwakU Room Essentials are delivered directly to campus for convenience!
Residents can choose to have the items shipped directly to campus by ordering before July 22nd or to their home address before July 26th. Many families opt for the bundles because they are designed to ensure that students get the products needed for a successful start to college life.
If you enter the code “uncroom” in the shopping cart, you will receive an additional 20% off your entire purchase!

Remember to place all orders before July 22nd for campus delivery! However, RHA highly recommends ordering earlier as more popular items tend to run out as the deadlines approach. We cannot wait to see you during move-in week and look forward to watching you turn your room into your home away from home!