By Daneen Khan
Congrats, Tar Heels! After cold walks to class, walking into Davis with the sun blaring and leaving in the dark, and – if your week was anything like mine – a grueling round of midterms, spring break is finally here.
To those of you going home or on vacation, enjoy your time away from Carolina! But if you’re staying on campus this week, that doesn’t mean you have to lock yourself in the dorm, lamenting away while everyone else goes on adventures. Still searching for things to pass the time without hopping on a bus? Look no further!
Spend a day at the Ackland:
If you haven’t been to the Ackland Art Museum, you’re missing out – the museum, located at 101. S. Columbia St., is free and open from Wednesday to Sunday. Bring a friend, a sketchbook, or just yourself, and spend an afternoon exploring the galleries.
I’d recommend their current exhibit, “Past Forward: Native American Art from Gilcrease Museum,” a collection of 114 paintings, ceramics, and textile pieces by indigenous artists. Whether you’re an art lover or not, you’ll find something that catches your eye (I liked counting all the horses).
See a show at Morehead Planetarium:
If you prefer the sciences, Morehead Planetarium and Science Center offers student discounts for events. I used to love going as a child – there’s just something so magical about sitting back in a regular room and looking up at the galaxy.
Morehead has a variety of shows over break, including “Carolina Skies,” “One Sky, Many Eyes,” and “Forward! To the Moon.” The planetarium, located at 250 E. Franklin St., is right behind Graham Memorial. Maybe after you’ve explored the universe, you can grab dinner at Cosmic Cantina on Franklin Street!
Grab a treat on South Campus:
Chase and Lenoir may be closed for break, but there are other delicious options for food on campus. If you’re like me and live on South Campus, there may be a day when you’re feeling too lazy to go all the way to BOL for a quick bite. Luckily, a delicious sub never disappoints. And you can use a plus swipe!
If you’re not feeling a sandwich, climb up the stairs to Port City Java, and grab a latte and pastry. My go-to order is an iced Carmello Leche with a coffee cake – the perfect sweet treat for a chill day in the dorm.

Picnic at the Coker Arboretum:
It’s looking like we’ve finally escaped the long, cold winter. The weather is warming up. The clouds are parting. The birds are chirping. And the arboretum is beginning to bloom!
Coker Arboretum is at the corner of Cameron Avenue and Raleigh Street, right by the north campus dorms. Grab a picnic blanket, snacks, and something to pass the time so you can settle down in the center lawn and soak up the sunlight.
See a show with the Playmakers Repertory Company:
If you haven’t had a chance to see a show, now’s your chance – Playmakers has multiple showings of “Murder on the Orient Express,” based on Agatha Christie’s iconic novel, over break. Tickets are only 10 dollars for students, and the showings are at their building right behind Cobb Residence Hall.
While I’ve never been to Playmakers, it’s definitely on my UNC bucket list. Beat me to it! And while you’re there, enjoy the interactive experience in their lobby before or after your show.
Above all, enjoy your break. You have a chance to relax and unwind – and there are so many places on campus to do that – so take it! Then, when everyone else gets back to their dorms, you’ll be ready to finish the year off strong.