WATCH: Housing Waitlist & Off-Campus Housing Resources Webinar
Missed our informational webinar? Watch the event recording to gain insights from our experts as they discuss key considerations regarding the housing waitlist and off-campus housing options.
Building Address:
Stacy Residence Hall
104 Country Club Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514
Building Number: 118
Completed in 1938, the building is named for Marvin Hendrix Stacy, a mathematics professor and university administrator. Born in Virginia, he graduated from Carolina in 1902 and received a master's in mathematics in 1904. In 1910, he became a professor of civil engineering and then dean of the College of Arts and Sciences, faculty chairman, and acting university president.
The Carolina Story: A Virtual Museum of University History
University Commission on History, Race, and a Way Forward
Hall Details
Room Details
DID YOU KNOW? Fun Facts About Stacy: