The personal security of resident students is a primary concern for Carolina Housing. Additionally, there has been a concerted effort campus-wide to enhance safety and security in our community. A number of safety initiatives have been implemented, including a text messaging service which is available to all students, faculty, and staff. We are interested in your security concerns and problems and encourage you to work with us to make this community a safe and enjoyable one. Residents can maximize their personal security by remembering to proceed with caution in and around their living environment. Use this alphabetical list of emergency measures and safety precautions to stay aware.

Alert Carolina
In the event of an alert on campus, the Alert Carolina website will be updated frequently with instructions and information about the incident, campus services and resources available to the campus community.
Remember that it may take time for authorities to investigate the situation, verify the facts and provide the campus with instructions or updates. Do not call 911 or the UNC Police Department for general information. The Alert Carolina website will provide new details as quickly as possible.
In an emergency that requires immediate help, call 911. You can also use one of Carolina’s Blue Call Boxes or the LiveSafe app to report an emergency, crime or suspicious activity.
Availability of Staff Members
Resident Advisors (RAs) provide "on duty" coverage in most residence halls/communities from 7:30 p.m. until 9:00 a.m. on weekdays and on weekends beginning at 7:30 p.m. on Fridays/Saturdays until 12 noon on Saturdays/Sundays. From 12 noon until 7:30 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays, coverage is provided by the desk staff in residence halls/communities. To reach this staff person, please call the phone number posted on your floor, area, or building. The availability of staff members may be limited during University break periods.
Additionally, a professional staff member is on call 24/7 to respond to emergency situations or other significant concerns. If you need the assistance of this staff member, contact UNC Police at 919-962-8100.
Bomb Threats
As in any emergency situation, UNC Police should be notified immediately by calling 911. In this particular situation, try to get as much information from the caller as you can and be prepared to give your name and report what you know to the police. After contacting the police, contact your RA. Do not investigate. Wait for further instructions from UNC Police, Carolina Housing staff, or other campus officials.
Building Evacuation
If you discover any situation that requires evacuation, leave the building and call UNC Police at 911 from a safe location. If a cell phone is unavailable, remember there are Emergency Blue Light Call Boxes throughout campus that connect directly to UNC Police.
UNC Police will contact the necessary emergency personnel. Always follow instructions from Alert Carolina. For more information, refer to the Fire Safety section.
Campus Transportation
The University collaborates with the Town of Chapel Hill to provide free bus transportation on-campus and throughout the town. For information and maps, visit Transportation and Parking website. Additionally, UNC Public Safety provides rides through their Point-to-Point program. For more information about the Point-to-Point program, visit Point-to-Point website.
Campus Warning Siren
UNC Chapel Hill is equipped with an emergency warning system to notify students, faculty, and staff should there be any potential dangers or threats to the campus community. The campus warning siren will sound to alert the University community in the event of emergency such as an active shooter or hazardous weather conditions. If you hear the siren, go inside immediately. Stay away from all windows and wait for further instructions. Stay inside until you receive the “All Clear” announcement.
Door Security
Most thefts in residence halls are crimes of opportunity. To protect yourself and your belongings, securely close and lock your room door (even if you think you are just running down the hall). And, do not let strangers “tail-gate” into residence halls behind you when you enter through exterior doors.
Emergency Blue Light Call Boxes
Familiarize yourself with the Emergency Blue Light Call Boxes on campus. There are dozens of these Blue Light Call Boxes located throughout the campus. These call boxes automatically dial campus police with the touch of a button. A built in speaker phone allows you to communicate directly with police. The Call Boxes are also equipped with flashing blue lights that help officers quickly identify your location in the event of an emergency.
Emergency Text Messaging
To receive emergency alerts by text message and/or email visit Alert Carolina registration website and complete the form. By providing your cell phone number you agree to incur costs from your carrier for text messages or telephone notifications. UNC Chapel Hill will only send notification messages in the event of an emergency, or to test the system (once per semester, typically). Please note: Text message alerts will not be used for weather delays/closings.
Interpersonal Violence
If you or someone you know is a survivor of interpersonal violence, there are many options available for both reporting the incident and seeking medical attention. Reports may be made to UNC Police or local police (if the assault happened off campus), through the Office of Dean of Students, or through Carolina Housing. Likewise, there are many resource both on and off campus for survivors, including Counseling & Psychological Services, Campus Health Services, and community agencies. For more information please visit the Safe at UNC website.
Medical Emergencies and Injuries
In the event of an injury or illness which requires medical attention, contact UNC Police at 919-962-8100 or 911. As you call, collect as much specific information as possible (names, location, and nature of emergency) to give to the police. They will instruct you accordingly. When time allows, please contact your RA for further assistance. If you see someone who needs help due to an alcohol or drug overdose, please call a Carolina Housing staff member or UNC Police for help.
Nighttime Walking Across Campus
It is suggested that you not walk on campus alone after dark and that you travel only on lighted pathways, particularly in wooded areas. If you can’t find someone to walk with you, contact UNC SafeWalk Program. You can learn more at the UNC SafeWalk website.
Police and Public Safety
UNC Police officers patrol the campus and are available to respond to calls 24 hours a day. In an emergency situation affecting the safety of University residents or property, the police should be notified at 919-962-8100 or 911. If at any time you feel threatened with physical harm, call UNC Police.
If you dial 911 on your cell phone you may not reach UNC Police. Your call could actually be sent to other local agencies such as the Orange County sheriff’s office. However, that office will contact the necessary emergency personnel and then route the call to UNC Police.
Room Safety Measures
Room Safety measures are important when setting up your room for your living style. Visit the following resources to help you live in style and be safe!
- Your Room - furniture measurements and how to loft your bed safely.
- Community Living Standards - rules and policies when living on campus.
- Campus Living Tips - cleaning tips and expectations while living on campus.
Should you be the victim of theft or other crimes, contact UNC Police immediately at 919-962-8100 or 911. Your RA may be able to offer you further assistance.
Weather Emergencies
If a tornado or strong storm warning is issued, it may become necessary for you to move to a place of greater safety. The following are refuge areas in residence halls:
External Suite Residence Halls (Hinton James, Ehringhaus, Craige, Morrison, Avery, Parker, and Teague): Seek refuge in the suite hallways. Cover the closed suite door with a mattress and shut the room and bathroom doors. Utilize the elevator common area as needed.
Internal Suite Residence Halls (Manning East, Manning West, & Carmichael): Seek refuge in their restrooms located in the suites and in floor hallway. In Carmichael, consider using mattresses to block hallway windows.
North Campus Residence Halls: Seek refuge in the floor hallways and stairwells. Consider using mattresses to cover windows in floor hallways.
Ram Village: Seek refuge in the floor hallways.
Baity Hill: Seek refuge in stairwells and floor hallways.
Granville Towers: Seek refuge in the floor hallways.