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CLICK HERE: Important Dates Calendars

For your convenience, we're put together “Important Dates” Calendars—your go-to resources for staying informed about key deadlines and timelines related to on-campus living. Whether it’s application dates, move-in schedules, or other critical housing operations, these calendars are designed to keep you organized and prepared. Please note, however, that these calendars are not exhaustive.

Click here to visit the Important Dates Calendar webpage now!


*For a more comprehensive overview of university-wide events and academic deadlines, we encourage you to visit the official calendars from the University Registrar.

Carolina Housing

Housing Contract & Community Standards

Housing Contract Policies

The Housing Contract is the basic document that states the student's and the University's contractual obligations. All information contained in the Carolina Housing web pages, including the Community Living Standards section, is a legally binding adjunct which is incorporated into the Housing Contract.

It is the student's responsibility to become familiar with all provisions of the Housing Contract, and provisions may be added or changed during the term of the Housing Contract with appropriate prior notification to residents.

No term or condition of the Housing Contract may be waived without the formal written agreement of both parties, and no oral statement made by Carolina Housing or its agents or employees is considered a waiver of any term or condition.

Academic Year Cancellation Policy

The cancellation penalties increase as you approach occupancy. If you wish to cancel your Housing Contract, please log into MyHousing Portal and fill out the "Housing Cancellation Request" form found online under the Online Forms section.

 *Please review the Housing Contract to see the prorated room rent schedule.

The Housing Contract is available for download below.

Non-Disciplinary Termination of Housing Contract

Housing Contracts are issued for the entire academic year (fall and spring semesters) for students entering in the fall.  Students entering in the spring semester are issued contracts for the spring semester only.  Residents may not cancel their residence hall contract to move to another facility not operated by Carolina Housing, such as private off-campus housing, or fraternity or sorority.

The University may terminate the contract on non-disciplinary grounds when a student:

  • Signs a contract in advance of enrollment and then becomes ineligible to enroll, or does not enroll in the University;
  • Withdraws from the University or otherwise becomes ineligible to live on campus before the contract expires;
  • Has documented health or psychological reasons or change in financial circumstances that necessitate the termination of the contract; or
  • Leaves Chapel Hill during the term of the contract to pursue a study abroad program or off-campus internship.

Students whose contracts are terminated on grounds described above will have 2 days (or a specified date and time set by the Housing hearing officer)  to vacate the premises after notification of contract termination is provided in writing.  Terminations initiated by residents even for these reasons are not automatic and require that the process below is followed. 

The University and the student may terminate the contract by mutual agreement for compelling extenuating circumstances. All requests to cancel contracts must be submitted in writing. The Director of Carolina Housing or designee must approve all requests for cancellation in writing. No other member of the housing staff may cancel a contract, and Carolina Housing will not be liable for promises or actions of any non-authorized staff member regarding contract regulations.

Reasons that may support a contract cancellation generally fall under three categories:  medical circumstances; financial hardship not present or known at the time of contract signing; and special or mitigating factors also not known at the time of contract signing.  In presenting these circumstances, residents must make a reasonable case that their concerns cannot be alleviated by relocating to other residence hall accommodations.

The contract is also canceled when a resident withdraws from the University.  However, residents withdrawing from the University must follow the separate withdrawal procedures of their school or college and submit a request for contract cancellation to Carolina Housing.  The resident is responsible for all room charges according to the published contract cancellation charges until the date of checkout, regardless of the date of withdrawal from the University.

Current Students: Cancellation Policies

This cancellation policy applies to "current students" which we define as a student who is/was enrolled at UNC at the time of signing a housing contract for the following academic year, regardless of whether they lived on or off campus at the time of signing the contract.

Cancel in Writing
To cancel your Housing Contract, you must do so in writing. Notifying other University departments cannot effect cancellations. You may cancel your Housing Contract by emailing Carolina Housing at [email protected] (recommended) or by faxing a letter to 919-962-1006.  Include your full name, PID and a statement saying that you wish to cancel your housing.

*Please review the Housing Contract to see the prorated room rent schedule.

Academic Year Cancellation Policy Returning Students (Re-contracting)

Please note that the $300 cancellation penalty deadline for the 2024-2025 year will be March 1, instead of March 31st. The 2024-2025 cancellation deadlines are below:


  • After the application is submitted, but before March 1, the student account will be charged a $300 cancellation fee.
  • Between March 2nd and July 31, the resident will be responsible for cancellation charges equal to 50% of the fall semester rent.
  • After July 31, the resident will be responsible for prorated rent, and cancellation charges equal to 50% of the remaining total contract value (both semesters).

Study Abroad
If you cancel your Housing Contract because you are leaving Chapel Hill to pursue a study abroad program or off-campus internship, you will not be subject to cancellation penalties. However, it is still required that you submit a written cancellation notice to the Housing Office, accompanied by a copy of your program's acceptance letter.

Financial Aid
If you defer payments through Financial Aid, you are responsible for any cancellation penalties assessed. Typically, Financial Aid does not cover cancellation penalties; therefore, students are individually responsible for assessments made to the student account.

New Students: Cancellation Policies

This cancellation policy applies to "new students" which we define as a student who has signed a housing contract for the upcoming academic year and will be enrolling in classes at UNC for the first time.

Cancel in Writing
To cancel your Housing Contract, you must do so in writing. Notifying other University departments cannot effect cancellations. You may cancel your Housing Contract by emailing Carolina Housing at [email protected] (recommended) or by faxing a letter to 919-962-1006.

Include your full name, PID and a statement saying that you wish to cancel your housing.

Cancellation Fees
Cancellation Fees for students new to the University:

  • On or before July 31: When you click “Submit” on your Housing Application, you accept and agree to the terms of the Housing Contract. If you cancel your Housing Contract on or before July 31, a $300 cancellation fee will be applied to your student account.
  • After July 31: If you cancel your Housing Contract after July 31, cancellation charges will be one-half of the financial liability for the entire academic year, plus any charges for pro-rated room rent (calculated on a weekly basis).
  • Students who do not enroll in the University will not incur the $300 cancellation fee.

Financial Aid
If you defer payments through Financial Aid, you are responsible for any cancellation penalties assessed. Typically, Financial Aid does not cover cancellation penalties; therefore, students are individually responsible for assessments made to the student account.

Community Living Standards

The Housing Contract is the basic document that states the contractual obligations between students who live in campus housing and Carolina Housing.

The Community Living Standards are a legally binding adjunct to your contract. You are equally responsible for complying with the rules, policies, and regulations that appear here as you are for those directly printed on the contract.

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