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Carolina Housing


Hall Information

Building Address:
Cobb Residence Hall
110 Country Club Road
Chapel Hill, NC 27514

Building Number: 122


Cobb, Stacy, and Everett Community
Location: North Campus
Hall Gender: coed
Room Types:
Corridor-Style Single
Corridor-Style Double
Corridor-Style Triple

This residence hall, built in 1952, honors longtime Carolina professor Collier Cobb. In 1892, he joined the university’s faculty to teach geology and mineralogy and served as chair of the department until his passing in 1934. His research specialty was coastline sands and soils along.

The Carolina Story: A Virtual Museum of University History Opens in New Window

University Commission on History, Race, and a Way Forward

Hall Details

  • Year Built: 1952, renovated 2005
  • Hall Population: 400
  • Elevator: Yes
  • Fire Safety: Smoke detectors, alarms and sprinkler system
  • Resident Advisors: 11
  • Amenities: Study Rooms, Kitchen and Ice Machine, Laundry, TV Room, Lounges on each floor, Recreation Room, Vending Machines
  • Laundry: Cobb Basement
  • For Facility Updates please visit our webpage for all completed residence hall facility projects.

Room Details

  • Average Room Measurements: 12' x 14'
  • Window Measurements: 65" x 51"
  • Window Coverings: Horizontal blinds
  • Air-Conditioning: All rooms have central A/C
  • Furniture: Movable dressers, desks and study chairs. Movable beds may be bunked or lofted; no self-built lofts permitted.
  • Closet: Closet with door
  • Mattress Size: 80" long, 36" wide, 6" deep

DID YOU KNOW? Fun Facts About Cobb:

  • Home to Chapel Thrill Escapes, UNC’s first on-campus escape room
  • Printing in the basement
  • Students say it doesn’t feel like a residence hall because it’s really “fancy”
  • Located across from Battle Park
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